Up Above My Head Lyrics « « Lyrics

  • Lyrics:
    Up Above My Head - Jayhawks

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Up Above My Head

Up above my head, up above my head
I can hear music in the air, i hear music in the air
Up above my head, up above my head
I can hear music in the air, i hear music in the air
Up above my head
I hear music in the air, oh lord.
And i really do believe
I really do believe
There’s a heaven somewhere
There’s a heaven somewhere
Up above my head, up above my head
I can hear thunder in the night, i hear thunder in the night
Up above my head, up above my head
I can hear thunder in the night, i hear thunder in the night
Up above my head
I hear thunder in the night, oh lord.
And i really do believe
I really do believe
There’s a heaven somewhere
There’s a heaven somewhere
(verse 1)
And i really do believe
I really do believe
There is a heaven somewhere
There is a heaven somewhere

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