We haven’t lyrics of this song. Please, add
these lyrics for other users. Use “Correct”. Thanks to you.
- Lyrics:
Thios Fa’n Chosta - Clannad - Album: Magical Ring
- Artist: Clannad
We haven’t lyrics of this song. Please, add
these lyrics for other users. Use “Correct”. Thanks to you.
These are the correct lyrics, there isn’t a “Correct” to add them properly:
Ag taisteal dom síos fá’n chósta
Na réalta ag dealramh sa spéir
Ag meabhrú ar laetha mo hóige
‘S an áit úd ar chaith mé mo shaol
Tá aill álainn deas ar a’ taobh seo
Ag bualadh ‘s’briseadh’g ‘na toinn
Na daoine tá cóir agus crualach
Ag truaileadh an domhan seo gach óich’
Chonaic mé í mar long mór
Is fuair mise stráin is is caoin
Má scriostar arís ‘measc mo cheartlár
An lá úd nar bheith mise sa shaol