• Lyrics:
    Supermodel - Presidents of the United States of America

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Love child to genghis kahn
And a beautiful busty amazon
On the death star with her godfather
Darth vader and nine months later
But that’s impossible
Yeah she’s super collosul
She’ll make a fascinating fossil
Supermodel oh yea
Supermodel not just a regular girl
She made of metal and a million miles high
Hair do scrapin’ the sky
Made it with the terminator
Schwarzennegger 9 months later
But that’s impossible
Yea she’s supercollosul
She’ll make a fascinating fossil
Supermodel oh yea
Supermodel not just a regular girl
Supermodel oh yea
Supermodel oh yea
Supermodel oh yea
Supermodel oh yea
Supermodel oh yea
Supermodel oh yea
Supermodel oh yea
Supermodel oh yea

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