Slave Lyrics « « Lyrics

  • Lyrics:
    Slave - Weezer

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Love barely alive in your arms, slave
Dreams taken too far every night, slave
Who put on your heart?
Who put on your heart?
Who put on your heart?
‘Cause I can’t change, no
When you’re on your own
You can see things
Clear, clear as a bell
And you’re free, slave
Who put on your heart?
Who put on your heart?
Who put on your heart?
‘Cause I can’t change, no
And my girl we’ll say good-bye
To the things we’ll never try
Who put on your heart?
Who put on your heart?
Who put on your heart?
‘Cause I can’t change, no
And my girl we’ll say good-bye
To the things we’ll never try
Love, barely alive
Love, barely alive
Love, barely alive

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