On My Mind Lyrics « « Lyrics

  • Lyrics:
    On My Mind - Deluxe

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On My Mind

u say u broke up with your boy the other day,
i don’t want to play rebound or nothin’ but
i’m feeling something,that your single again but
your just a friend.what i want to do would be
considered a crime but i can’t help it u stay on
my mind.
u ain’t like the other girls at school u be making your own rules
your own rules. tryin’ to take control of
everything and that makes me sick.
but u stay on my mind stuck to me like a tick.
like i said i don’t know what to do i really like
you but we sort of like homies comfort each
other when we both lonely. i don’t want to
take the chance ruining our friendship with a
crush, i see u at lunch and in the hallway
everydaybut u don’t know that i gaze at u
often.i don’t know if it’s my hormones gettin’
in the way but u look xtra cute today.
although i can’t stand it when u start barking
out commands i kind of like it. it’s sort of
(rommantic)u know any way i want to know if u
need, want, or desire a man.i know that we are
friends i want u to be my girlfriend.

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