Liberian Calypso Lyrics « « Lyrics

  • Lyrics:
    Liberian Calypso - Nina Simone

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Liberian Calypso

1974, that’s the year
I went straight home ‘cause I had so much to fear
I had dreamed for oh so long
That one day I’d be going home.

There’s so much gossip in the town
Nobody knows what’s really going down
Stench, smells, I couldn’t stand it
The dirtier you are, the more you’re here.

[Run Nina] Oh I got to go
[Run Nina] Oh the man at the door
[Run Nina] Run as fast as you can
[Run Nina] God is holding me hand.

When I first got to Africa, I was glad
I thought at last I wouldn’t be had
So I went to a disco-tech one night
And danced myself right out of sight.

What I mean is this, I went with a friend
We sat through the night, right through the end
The music was American and oh so good
So I jumped up just where I could.

[Run Nina] Oh I got to go
[Run Nina] Oh the man at the door
[Run Nina] Run as fast as you can
[Run Nina] God is holding me hand.

Party start movin’ all around
I was so happy to be in town
And as I slowly began to strip
Everyone thought I was so hip.

I danced all over the place you know
All over the ceiling, all over the floor
Up in the balcony, all around
I felt so good just being in town.

[Run Nina] Oh I got to go
[Run Nina] Oh the man at the door
[Run Nina] Run as fast as you can
[Run Nina] Oh God is holding me hand.

My joy was so complete you know
My friend was happy, he said “go go!”
I danced for hours, hours on end
I said “dear lord, you are my friend”.

He brought me home to Liberia
And all other places are inferior
He brought me home to Liberia
And all other places are inferior.

[Run Nina] Oh I got to go
[Run Nina] Oh the man at the door
[Run Nina] Run as fast as you can
[Run Nina] God is holding me hand
[Run Nina] Run as fast as you can
[Run Nina] God is holding me hand
[Run Nina] Mmm uh do do do doo[
Run Nina] Dodo do do do doo.

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