Lay My Love Lyrics « « Lyrics

  • Lyrics:
    Lay My Love - Brian Eno

  • Album:
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Lay My Love

lay my love
I am the crow of desperation
I need no fact or validation
I span relentless variation
I scramble in the dust of a failing nation
I was concealed
Now i am stirring
And i have waited for this time.
I am the termite of temptation
I multiply and find my population
I am the wheel i am the turning
And i will lay my love around you.
I am the sea of permutation
I live beyond interpretation
I scramble all the names and the
I penetrate the walls of explanation
I am the will
I am the burning
And i will lay my love around you.
I am the will
I am the yearning
And i will lay my love around you.

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