Intro - Prozzak
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Intro - Prodigy
So, i’ve decided to take my work back underground To stop it falling into the wrong hands Vote! Rating: 5/5. Voted: 825. Rate the lyrics of the song!
Intro - Poison
(to the music of strange days of uncle jack) Southern california, are you ready? From the gutters of hollywood, california Will you welcome The glam Slam Kings of noise…. Poison!!!! Vote! Rating: 5/5. Voted: 110. Rate the lyrics of the song!
Intro - Pm Dawn
I’d like to welcome you… To – utopian expierence Of the heart, of the soul & of the cross I’d like to say what’s up to god… I’d like to say what’s up to god… (yeah) i’d like to say what’s up to god… Vote! Rating: 5/5. Voted: 405. Rate the lyrics of the song!
Intro - Petey Pablo
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