Hey Joe Lyrics « « Lyrics

  • Lyrics:
    Hey Joe - Cher

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Hey Joe

Hey joe where are you going
With that gun in your hand
I said now
Hey joe where are you going
With that gun in your hand
Going down to shoot my old lady
Cause you know
I caught her messing a round town
I’m going down to shoot my old lady
Cause i caught her messing around
With another man
Hey joe i heard you shot your woman down
Shot her down
Hey i said hey joe
I heard you shot your woman down
Shot her down to the ground
Yes i did, i shot her
Cause i caught her messing around town
Hey joe i heard you shot your woman down
Shot her down
But i said hey joe
I heard you shot your woman down
Shot her down shot her down
Yes, yes i did, i shot her
Cause i caught her messing around town
Hey joe where you gonna run to now
I said, i said hey joe where you gonna run to now
Where you gonna go
Well jig i’m going down south way down to mexico way
I said i’m going down south way down to mexico way

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