A Long Time Gone Lyrics « « Lyrics

  • Lyrics:
    A Long Time Gone - Electric Light Orchestra

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A Long Time Gone

Seems like forever and time left to spare
When i look out the window
And still you’re not there
You’re a long time gone
Such a long time gone
Tearing down memories bitter and sweet
Smashing away ’til it’s all obsolete
You’re a long time gone, long time gone
Such a long time gone, long time gone
You’re a long time gone
Do i wonder why
Every day that i
Think about you still
And i always will
Did so much for me
Now i think i see
This i do believe
Feels more like a dream
Looked at the weeds in the broken concrete
Before the bulldozers waltzed in and killed the old street
You’re a long time gone, long time gone
Such a long time gone, long time gone
Door steps that shone in a bright summer sky
Lay shattered and wasted since our last goodbye
You’re a long time gone, long time gone
Such a long time gone, long time gone
You’re a long time gone
Do i wonder why
Every day that i
Think about you still
And i always will
You’re a long time gone
Did so much for me
Now i think i see
This i do believe
Feels more like a dream
You’re a long time gone
Do i wonder why
You’re a long time gone
You never did
I never said goodbye
You’re a long time gone

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