Theme From Harrys Game Lyrics « « Lyrics

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    Theme From Harrys Game - Clannad

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Theme From Harrys Game

Imtheochaidh soir is siar
A dtainig ariamh
An ghealach is an ghrian
Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol the day fol the day
Imtheochaidh an ghealach’s an ghrian
An Daoine og is a chail ‘na dhiadh
Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol the day fol the day
Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol the day fol the day
Imtheochaidh a dtainig ariamh
an duine og is a chail ne dhiadh
Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol the day fol the day

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