Tag: Superhero


yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah you were smiling by my table had to call up everyone that day beautiful mind and body what a happy image i see my mind had been enabled in the memory you overflow wanna be your super hero even if i tumble fall i’m ok you have that affect on […]


When you praise my name i’ll fulfill your expectation looking for an answer that’ll dignify your prayers What remains when your savior becomes human? You feel the legend something sacred you cant understand becomes bigger than the man. Chorus PRAY FOR HELP CRY OUT SCREAM FOR ME NOW IM NOT YOUR SUPERHERO PRAY FOR HELP […]


sleepwalking through the all-nite drugstore baptized in flourescent light i found religion in the greeting card aisle now i know hallmark was right and every pop song on the radio is suddenly speaking to me yeah, art may imitate life but life imitates t.v. ‘cuz you’ve been gone exactly two weeks two weeks and three […]