Tag: Expectations


You lock me up with your expectations You lock me up with your expectations Loosen the pressure you choked me with I can’t breathe I can’t breathe You stripped my heart with your accusations You shut me into an affectation Loosen the pressure you choked me with I can’t breathe I can’t breathe Let me […]


Now all the lies are beginning to show, And you’re not the country that i used to know. I loved you once from my head to my toe, But now my belief is shaken. And all your ways are so untrue, No one breaks promises the way that you do. You guided me, i trusted […]


Monday morning wake up knowing that you’ve got to go to school Tell your mum what to expect, she says it’s right out of the blue Do you went to work in Debenham’s, because that’s what they expect Start in Lingerie, and Doris is your supervisor And the head said that you always were a […]