When - Taproot

Can’t seem to find myself in the smoke filled room again The lesson of being bored and naïve so I’ve been told Its just my own problem That I succumb from the bottom Looking up at the reflection above of those below Yea well I know, there’s no point in rushing I’ll get my change […]

Time - Taproot

Time Just a counter-clockwise in motion Time It requires strength, love, and devotion Time A detention of every person Time Is used to make us free again When we can turn back time, to any time By moving on inside And will we still ask why about the time Or be just fine inside of […]

Sumtimes - Taproot

What I excel in best Is my excessiveness Of deprecation I hate myself sometimes How can I be down when all that I want is in my reach What’s wrong with me? Fuck it Sumtimes I can feel so touch and go Sumtimes I feel my self esteem is low Sumtimes…at least I know sumtimes […]

Smile - Taproot

smile, can’t you see i am still me, anti-authority, same philosophy, enjoying life as much as i can i will. trying to create that contagious smile with that passion that I long to succeed in my ways days pass by i am not gonna sit here no more no more no more won’t you see […]

Poem - Taproot

overbearing panic attack entrenching my veins in an hour i’ll be ok i pray this pain will go away permanently someday I’VE seen more than… I should have to… I’VE seen this on my own this song is a, poem to myself, it helps me to live… in case of fire, BREAK the glass, and […]

Now - Taproot

well i need to be around you and i need to see your eyes on me now and i need to caress your face with mine and i need to know that you care ’cause i bleed in pain when i’m without your soul cuz I love you on a level so high ot’s hard […]

Myself - Taproot

If life was a game, could I win in the end? And if I was sane, would I fuck it up all over again? These questions and answers can help me redefine myself And I thank your open ears for all the help (no more shit) It’s what I see for myself I need to […]

Mirrors Reflection - Taproot

I’m your mirror’s reflection, what you don’t like about me is what you hate in yourself, you should see through others eyes be4 you go ahead and make ’em feel like shit stop it but you won’t because you hate yourselves images bitch, sometimes i get so frustrated haunting visions in the back of my […]

Mine - Taproot

When I look into your eyes, you help me realign Ensure me of just how to be myself inside I’m in control of everything It’s taking time but that’s ok I can bring you to my side You’re my blessing in disguise You’re mine (You’re mine) You’re mine (You’re mine) You’re my blessing in disguise […]

Mentobe - Taproot

it’s ironic considerate rarity patron of love higher knowledge engulfs me ’cause the blast of fate a lesson to my eyes concerned and overwhelmed theirs were of fear and i am feelin so empty inside and yet it bruns so akward this time it’s something with my pride lies i cannot hide my true side […]