I Should Of Known Better - The Broadside Tapes 1

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Time Was - The Broadside Tapes 1

Time was when a man could live alone A man could build a home, have a family of his own The peaceful years would flow, he could watch his children grow But it was a long time ago. Time was when troubles were few When there weren’t so many people to tell you what to […]

Another Country - The Broadside Tapes 1

Oh, a rifle took its aim and a man fell to the ground. He tried to stand again but everybody held him down: A time of terror when the bullet pierced the air — I know that couldn’t happen here. Oh, it must have been another country — Yes, it must have been another land. […]

Spanish Civil War Song - The Broadside Tapes 1

Oh, say do you remember 25 years ago, They fought the fascist army, they fought the fascist foe? Do you remember franco, hitler’s old ally? He butchered spain’s democracy,half a million free men died. Ai, ai, ai, ai– Did you wonder why? Did you ever pause and cry? And don’t forget the churches and the […]

Christine Keeler - The Broadside Tapes 1

Christine keeler and mandy rice-davies, You’re the gals for me. Christine keeler and mandy rice-davies, I’ll keep you company. You can have your marilyn, your carolyn, your jacqueline. Grace kelly never meant that much to me– Just give me: Christine keeler and mandy rice-davies, You’re the gals for me. (i’ll give you secrets.) And you’re […]

Talkin’ Pay Tv - The Broadside Tapes 1

Walkin’ down to denver town I watched the western sun go down. Thought that i would stop a while, Switch around my tv dial. Got some free tee vee . . . only price was a little boredom. Well, i’m not sure about my taste But it seemed that tv land was a waste. I […]

Remember Me - The Broadside Tapes 1

Oh, i am the unknown soldier who died in world war two. I didn’t want to fight, it was the only thing to do. I was the victim of a world that went insane– Will you show me that i didn’t die in vain. Remember me, when the crosses are a burnin’, Remember me, when […]

Rivers Of The Blood - The Broadside Tapes 1

Have you seen the rivers of the blood? First a trickle, then a flood — First the ocean’s pounding roar, Then a tidal wave hits upon the shore. Knives and arrows fell like rain, And the powder burst aflame, And the flames they flew so high — Dropped their poison down from the sky. In […]

That’s The Way It’s Gonna Be - The Broadside Tapes 1

pre>em c9 b7 em If you say all the good times are gone, Em c9 b7 em If you say this rain will keep rainin’ on– Am d em I’ll walk along with my head held high; Am d g em I’ll find a song and i’ll sing it to the sky– Am d g […]

The Passing Of My Life - The Broadside Tapes 1

pre>g I’ve seen rivers red with blood, C g I’ve seen valleys filled with mud; G a7 d I’ve seen stormy seas that pound upon the shore. G I’ve seen mountains strewn with bones, C g I’ve seen people without homes, G d em And it’s all with the passing of my life. I’ve seen […]