Choose a direction which Way you gonna go? you Chose rejection because You didn’t know what he Can do for you what he Has done for me The purpose we’ve been Waiting for the purpose That we want to see why Won’t you see the signs There’s a dead end Between the lines it Looks […]
There’s barriers in my Mind that i think about All the time and i know There’s no way past them I can never get away From the things that People say well i guess That’s just part of it all My one way window Where i can’t hide my One way window where i Can’t […]
I am myself and no One else because my eyes See so much negativity Pressuring me every day Thy judge me as Something i’m not There’s so many lies in This world today fears And doubts run thru my Mind i’ve gone thru this A million times i read his Word look to his face […]
Who could it be it’s Probably me i know There’s something wrong It should be a big Mistake to let this go to Long maybe it’s all inside My mind with no room Left to grow and now it’s Coming outside and it Just won’t let me go why Does it matter where You’ve been […]
Walking bye I ask myself the question What is wrong with me Can’t figure what it is or Why it’s never me they Want when will my turn Come about and when Will justice see me why All these stupid questions They never help me you Never notice me you Never seem to see when […]
Have you ever noticed How people twist the Words that you have said To them funny how these Things occur taking it Literally all the thins You’ve said not looking In to deep in the Meaning of what they’ve Read twisted words Causes ignominy twisted Words changes what Things used to be it Happens every […]
Another song about tv How much tv sucks Washes your brain of Intelligence you sit Around all night and day Was life really ment to Be thin way? tv sucks! Watching your life go Down the tube and you Wonder why every day’s A re-run nothing Different happens Nothing new your life’s a Show and […]
You’ll never be th man They want you to be You’ve got no goals in Life it don’t make since To see someone Forgotten someone you Used to know is there a Reason no one seems to Care no one can give you The life you get what he Said was true and i’ll Never […]
Jars of clay A promise from a Cardboard box so Commonly thrown on The street how easily we Break apart but we never Seem to stay that Way there’s something Inside those jars Of clay!(2cor.4:16) Outwardly we’re wasting Away inside we’re Renewed day by day it’s Always him it’s never me He is truth why […]
Why can’t things be the Way the used to be? Why can’t i feel the way; i Used to feel? back in the Days when it all worked Out was it all in my Mind? and now it won’t Come out when i don’t Think i’ll get by when i Fell that i need to […]