You’re The Buddha - People

There were times when i thought there was nothin’ in this world There was nothin’ in this world for me Everywhere i looked there was trouble in my life Trouble far as i could see Hey there’s a man doin’ alright What’s his philosophy? He come over here and whispered in my ear You’re the […]

We Make The Weather - People

Heaven is a somewhere locked inside and i must find the key Wish i’d never locked the door Ordinary things in life are where this heaven likes to be Hold the sky, feet on the floor Hold the sky, feet on the floor We make our sun to shine We make our space and time […]

Wedding Song - People

I can see you On your wedding day With the one you love To share the way A life ahead of you Youth left behind Go out and make yourself Some memories Dispair and pleasure Faced at every turn And there’s children To save from harm’s way Three thousand doorways Reveal a thousand more Treasure […]

Tomorrow Is Now - People

Tomorrow is… tomorrow is now You think the past is behind you But baby what’s that on your back It looks to me like you’re draggin’ it around Like a heavy pack Now we don’t live in the present We’re to busy hangin’ on To what’s been and gone so it comes again Singin’ the […]

Sleep My Angel - People

Sleep my angel It is time for bed I will be there To watch over you I’ll protect you from the world And the voices in your head I’ll be with you With my life i will defend I’ll be with you I will be there in the end And i’ll cry your tears As […]

Not One Of The Lonely Tonight - People

Bring me down to earth Take this weight from tired shoulders Kiss me tenderly Let me drown in waves of your love You part the trees so i Can cherish things that matter Your single voice sounds through A room of din and chatter Oh take me home When the streetlights shine above Safe in […]

Nothing To Fear - People

What freezes love in your eyes What steals the force from your life What holds us ransom tonight What stops you seeing yourself? Only fear can stand On potential’s hands This is the greatest day of your life If you make it And the old spells you know They can be broken Nothing to fear […]

Let The People Have Their Say - People

The tide is turning Its coming from the street Read your own wisdom Not the headlines Don’t let them tell you Its fine the way it is Its our agenda We know better Let the people have their say Let the people show the way Every woman child and man Has the power in this […]

Let Me Be The First To Know - People

If you find a time when things just seem to fall apart And there’s no way to keep a cheery face When the sight of your own reflection only breaks your heart And all your dreams have given up the chase Pick up the telephone You know i’m always home Any old time of night […]

If You Love - People

Chorus If you love You know you’re gonna feel the hurt See the flowers Growin’ from the muddy earth You never see the sun You’re never gonna feel the rain With your life under glass In the middle lane You’ll never feel the joy Never feel the pain Chorus Try to build a house on […]