Two Goes Into Four - June 1 1974

Two goes into four Two times no more Two will make four Blue goes into green Mostly unseen ßlue becomes green Dreams take me so far Life is the star Trapped in my jar Go Follow the wind Open your heart Then you may start To make it Better

The End - June 1 1974

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Stranger In Blue Suede Shoes - June 1 1974

I walked into this bar And the man refused; He said, "we don’t serve strangers In blue suede shoes; We don’t give credit, and We don’t give way– We have to think about what the people might say.. Uh, you know what i mean…" I said, "sure, man" Oh, he gave me a smile that […]

Shouting In A Bucket Blues - June 1 1974

Sometimes i get too drunk, I feel so goddamned low I have no place to go, no one to turn to I think about your loving arms, where i’d like to be But it’s selfish as can be, and i know it And if i’m sorry for myself, i’m sorry for you too ’cause i’m […]

May I? - June 1 1974

I just came in off the street Looking for somewhere to eat I find a small cafe I see a girl and then i say ‘may i sit and stare at you for a while? I’d like the company of your smile’ You don’t have to say a thing You’re the song without the sing […]

Heartbreak Hotel - June 1 1974

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Everybody’s Sometime And Some People’s All The Time Blues - June 1 1974

It’s late in the evening And the weather is cold I’m beginning to miss you But that story’s so old I know i’ve been knocking My head on the wall And i must have been crazy To leave Oh yeah, yeah Strange kind of blues coloured moon Shines in the middle of my room. Sometimes […]

Driving Me Backwards - June 1 1974

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Baby’s On Fire - June 1 1974

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