Asshole - Friendly People

I don’t like the things you like And you don’t like the things i like She don’t like the things they like So who the fuck is really right See a skinhead at a show Let him know he’s got to go Fuck white power, the kkk A-s-s-h-o-l-e! Everyone’s an asshole My mom’s an asshole […]

Your Late - Friendly People

Oh my god, what time is it? I’m late again, this sucks Where’s my other shoe? fuck! I need a drink-god damn! Did i get gas last night? Oh, well, roll the dice Ha-ha, i gotta to to vegas soon I really miss those wonderful casinos And friendly people Fuck, i hate those people In […]

What’s Gone Wrong - Friendly People

What the hell is going on We never get to play Are we too drunk Are they too drunk It’s just the scene today The owner of your club Would like to hear it Nice and slow But we’ll sit here And drink your beer And spill it on your floor We don’t play rock […]

Chaps My Hide - Friendly People

A wet suit rash, tight pants re-hash Oh, i forgot to wipe It’s warm outside, a pony ride A drive across the country side A side of flan, a marathon The pork’s a little rare Blueberry tarts, then come wet farts The chaffing in my dairy air Bull leg strut, monkey butt Bull leg strut, […]

Veggicide - Friendly People

Something’s up Something’s on my mind I try to go to sleep I try to pass the time What gives you the right To kill a harmless carrot Growing in god’s sunlight You say they’re best You say they’re best for you I say it’s not true You say they make A damn good stew […]

Can’t We All Just Get Along? - Friendly People

(at the dinner table) Welcome everybody to my table Don’t be shy, man, grab a seat C’mon, it’s time to eat, dig in Frejoles de t.j., sushi from japan Weenies from america Don’t forget canned ham Monkey brains from india ???? from france Pizzas from chicago Korea, dog, many cat All we want is, all […]

Disneyland - Friendly People

Get pissed, you suck I know your kind I know the system I know it’s not so fine I know the bees, i know the rains I know that logging can kill Oh, well, let’s just go on dumbo Profound, that’s what i found Profound, oh to the ground Profound, that’s what i found Why […]

P.c. - Friendly People

You know, what pisses me off more than anything is all these people who Aren’t exactly politically correct. like the other day, i was out walking My siberian-american huskies. and you know how canines are: they like to Sniff everything, including each other’s butts. so some guy walks up and He says, "man, get your […]

Bullshit - Friendly People

Bullshit, bullshit, full of shit Bullshit, bullshit, full of shit You can’t say ten words Without telling a lie You always bullshit Bullshit gets you high When it comes to bullshit You’re the best around Someday bullshit’s Gonna take you down

Jamie’s Petting Zoo - Friendly People

I’ve had my pet Since i was nine years old I loved him and fed him But one day he attacked I knew he didn’t love me back So i grabbed him like a football And punted fifty yards Now i hate pets Take yourself to the vet Now i hate pets Dolphins trapped in […]