Drive by - Born Dead

You killed my fuckin’ brotha Payback muthafucka 1 – 8 – 7 nigga Watch me pull this fuckin’ trigga Revenge Drive-by

Killing floor - Born Dead

No Help It’s the killin’ floor, killin’ floor Yeah Ah Killin’ floor No Killin’ floor Ah Killin’ floor Bodycount muthafuckas

Surviving the game - Born Dead

Yeah Yeah Murder, death As I search to analyze reality, the true Meaning of life, Out simple existence means nothing God has a gun, the truth, life is a slow noose He’s invincible Better watch his knife, There is no escape from the slow kill When it’s time to go god serves a death blow, […]

Street lobotomy - Born Dead

Drugs, liquor, drugs I love to smoke crack I love to shoot smack I love to fuckin’ drink I love my smoke when it stinks I need it in my veins I need it in my brain What has it done to me, Street lobotomy Chorus My brain – melted – down Brain – melted […]

Masters of revenge - Born Dead

1994 BC Rise Chorus: Masters of revenge Masters of payback Inciters of chaos Messengers of rage All we wanna do to you Is what you did to us All we wanna take from you Is what you stole from us Chorus Bodycount You can’t kill us We’re already dead You can’t kill us We’re already […]

Last breath - Born Dead

Oooooohhh am I dreamin’ ? Oooooohhh am I dreamin’ ? Am I alone ? Oooooohhh am I dreamin’ ? Am I alone ? Yeah I like to wait ’til late nite, ’til you Muthafuckas sleep I crawl in through your window and I Muthafuckin’ creep I catch you little punk ass kids asleep in your […]

Hey Joe - Born Dead

Hey Joe, Where you goin’ with that gun in your hand ? Hey Joe, Where you goin’ with that gun in your hand ? Goin’ down to shot my old lady You know I caught her mess around with another man, Goin’ down to shot my old lady You know I caught her mess around […]

Shallow graves - Born Dead

Chorus: You give me for honor (graves) Where your soldeirs lay (graves) They’re so far away (graves) The home of the brave (graves) I won’t die in your bullshit wars no more I won’t fight to my death for you I won’t watch my poor mama cry no more Muthafuck your red, white and blue […]

Who are you ? - Born Dead

You say that I hang out all night, that’s okay, ‘Cause you drink all muthafuckin’ day You come home hit mom, smack mom, beat mom, Raise another brew to your face with you Swollen palm Then you come in my room talkin’ crazy shit Sayin’ I’m high, I’m on dope and I better quit Muthafucka, […]

Born dead - Born Dead

1994 BC still in the house They did Everything they could do to take us out But like any good monster that just made us stronger You see, they don’t like us and they don’t like you, The BC fan, ‘Cause they know we stand for three things Truth, justice and fuck the american way […]