Break Away - Bitter Youth

My child, life will be OK. If you listen to me and do what I say. I will protect you with the help of God And your whole life will be all right My dearest daughter what’s troubling you? – I no longer believe in your ideals – Well you’re too young to think for […]

Violence - Bitter Youth

It happened before and it will happen again You got beat because you didn’t look like them Five men jump from the back of a van And pound you to the ground with the bats in their hands VIOLENCE! KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL! Anger causes violence and stupidity But I can’t […]

Us Against Them - Bitter Youth

Ahhhh! fuck off every single day i get more pissed off I protest in the street and tell the government to fuck off They can call the troops out they can try to lock me up That’ll not stop me i’ll fight until i die i will fight them Don’t give leaders control – take […]

Comfortably Dumb - Bitter Youth

Ignorance is rich man’s life comfortably dumb husband and wife Can’t raise a conscience, there’s no conscience to be raised Kill the rich now, think of all the lives we’ll save If you’re a threat they’ll put you down Collective action they won’t push you around you work for them, they don’t work at all […]

Out Of Control - Bitter Youth

Let’s got to the mall what i want, What i want, What you want, What you want. What we want, What we want more, more, more, more. Out of control, Buy me some more out of control, I want some more. I must have it all.

Breaking Away - Bitter Youth

My child, life will be ok. If you listen to me and do what i say. I will protect you with the help of god and your whole life will be all right My dearest daughter what’s troubling you? – i no longer believe in your ideals – Well you’re too young to think for […]

Religious Lies - Bitter Youth

Religious fools want to control our lives – fuck them! Religious fools want to control our lives – fuck them! America is filled with god fearing christians that follow along Being brainwashed by leaders since the day they were born Don’t listen to a god don’t listen to your rulers we don’t need them All […]

Killing Floor - Bitter Youth

There’s this group around that calls themselves prolife Well, instead they should call themselves pro-death Because by taking away our freedom of choice They’re are going to force many women, Who don’t want to bear children, to the back alley And many women are going to die from these back alley abortions! But these people […]

Bitter Youth - Bitter Youth

Bitter youth angry youth we are pissed off and we will fight back Society tells us how to be i want no part of it How to act, what to believe i want no part of it Conformity i want no part of it conformity – it’s not for me! I want no part of […]

Violence - Bitter Youth

It happened before and it will happen again You got beat because you didn’t look like them Five men jump from the back of a van And pound you to the ground with the bats in their hands Violence! kill! kill! kill! kill! kill! kill! kill! kill! Anger causes violence and stupidity But i can’t […]