The world on fire…taxi from africa…the grand hotel… He was drunk a big party last night back going back In all directions sleeping these insane hours i’ll never wake up In a good mood again i’m sick of these stinky boots
A military station in the desert. Can we resolve the past Lurking jaws, joints of time? The base To come of age in a dry place Holes and caves. My friend drove and hour each day from the mountains The bus gives you a hard-on with books in your lap Someone shot the bird in […]
The movie will begin in five moments The mindless voice announced All those unseated will await the next show. We filed slowly, languidly into the hall The auditorium was vast and silent As we seated and were darkened, the voice continued. The program for this evening is not new You’ve seen this entertainment through and […]
Thoughts in time and out of season The hitchhiker Stood by the side of the road And leveled his thumb In the calm calculus of reason Hi. how you doin’? i just got back into town l.a. I was out on the desert for awhile "riders on the storm" Yeah. in the middle of it […]
awake. Shake dreams from your hair My pretty child, my sweet one. Choose the day and choose the sign of your day The day’s divinity First thing you see. A vast radiant beach in a cool jeweled moon Couples naked race down by it’s quiet side And we laugh like soft, mad children Smug in […]
I’ll tell you this… No eternal reward will forgive us now For wasting the dawn. Back in those days everything was simpler and more confused One summer night, going to the pier I ran into two young girls The blonde one was called freedom The dark one, enterprise We talked and they told me this […]
Ah keep your eyes on the road, Your hands upon the wheel. Keep your eyes on the road Your hands upon the wheel. Yeah, we’re going to the roadhouse, Gonna have a real good-time. Yeah, the back of the roadhouse, They’ve got some bungalows. Yeah, the back of the roadhouse, They’ve got some bungalows. They […]
Gently they stir, gently rise The dead are newborn awakening With ravaged limbs and wet souls Gently they sigh in rapt funeral amazement Who called these dead to dance? Was it the young woman learning to play the ghost song on her baby grand? Was it the wilderness children? Was it the ghost god himself, […]
Lament - American Prayer
Lament for my cock Sore and crucified I seek to know you Aquiring soulful wisdom You can open walls of mystery Stripshow How to aquire death in the morning show Tv death which the child absorbs Deathwell mystery which makes me write Slow train, the death of my cock gives life Forgive the poor old […]
Indians scattered on dawn’s highway bleeding Ghosts crowd the young child’s fragile eggshell mind. Me and my -ah- mother and father – and a Grandmother and a grandfather – were driving through The desert, at dawn, and a truck load of indian Workers had either hit another car, or just – i don’t Know what […]