Stand Alone Lyrics « « Lyrics

  • Lyrics:
    Stand Alone - Iced Earth

  • Album:
  • Artist:

Stand Alone

Listen not to ones who preach
Those who feel you’re a freak
Everything about you is wrong
You must be sick, you don’t belong
Father said, worry not what they say
Use your mind, your own free will
In a time when everyone follows
Ignorance can kill
They only say what they want you to hear
Half-truths have been twisted to conceal your fate
In a world of spoon-fed emotion
Intelligence can save
Stand alone
Hear what I say
Stand alone
You will seize the day
Son, say what you mean, don’t be afraid
Tell them how you feel, hear what I say
Be true to yourself and true to your own
Your spirit will crush the hearts of stone
Stand alone
Hear what I say
Stand alone
It’s a leap of faith

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