You Better Run Lyrics « « Lyrics

  • Lyrics:
    You Better Run - Elvis Presley

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You Better Run

(traditional – arranged elvis presley)
(well now you’d better run)
Run when i say, somebody’s calling you
You’d better run
Run when i say, (somebody’s calling you)
You’d better run
Run when i say, (somebody’s calling you)
I feel like my time has long gone
Long gone, (my time is long gone)
Well now goodbye false pretender
Lord i cannot wait for you
For the bible declares you’re goin’ to heaven lord
What the bible declares you do
(well now you’d better run)
Run when i say, somebody’s calling you
You’d better run
Run when i say, (somebody’s calling you)
You’d better run
Run when i say, (somebody’s calling you)
I feel like my time has long gone
Long gone, (my time is long gone)
Long gone
Well i met a false pretender
Whose head was bending lord
I met him in the evening
He was headed down that long lonesome road
(well now you’d better run)
Run when i say, somebody’s calling you
You’d better run
Run when i say, (somebody’s calling you)
You’d better run
Get away from here, somebody’s calling you
I feel like my time has long gone
Long gone, (my time is long gone), long gone

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