Touch Lyrics « « Lyrics

  • Lyrics:
    Touch - Downset

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Birth to this emptiness conception inlovelessness. Spiritless hands show no caress. There was no embrace from
tearstained faces. Environment bottomless compassion was motionless. Weary eyes will only see the depths of
captivity here in this perpetual misery. Hate’s piercing sound disfigures the soul in the stream of my tears
I lay in their mold!
Do you got any love in your heart? Unfeeling! Unfeeling! Unfeeling!
I touched my innermost self with its healing. Threw myself down at the feet of its mercy the stone of my heart met its
defeat love emptied me filling me with serenity. It’s a light that want to embrace me, I was not of love still it accepted
me whole and where there was nothing left there is lovein the soul. Love is not weakness! Love is power! Love is
truth! Love is endless! Love is your forgiveness! Love is your sacrifice! Love is your faith! Love is your trust! Love
is your hope!

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